It all began with 2 friends, a dream, and Wet Boots
It was May 1994, Greg Rowe and Charles Woody (aka Woody) were camped alongside Eagle Creek in North Carolina. Greg’s boots were drying (melting!) by the fire as two friends talked and sipped hot cider. They did not like their current jobs (suits!) and thought that maybe they could start their own business someday. As Greg noticed his boot soles dripping, Woody mentioned that Maryville, TN did not have a place to buy quality outdoor gear and clothing and that people were driving to Knoxville to get it. It was that night that Little River Trading Company was born.
Prepping for a "Step of Faith"
Woody and Greg ventured to their first market in this business. They left with a “maybe loan” and a “not sure” on a location. With the loan going through and the location panning out, things were starting to come together like clockwork, some would say it was destiny!

First Market for LRTC!

Turning Thier Dream into a Reality
All hands on deck to create a space that was inviting and equipped with the area’s most up-to-date and high-quality gear to prepare you for any adventure. It’s amazing what elbow grease, some patience, and a fresh coat of paint can do for a space!
Meet Our Team
We could not continue to be successful without the people behind the scenes who work every day to make sure our customers have the best experience and are able to have the gear they need to conquer whatever adventures they have set out for.